Do you manage any of the following? Backflow Prevention Valves are required…

Backflow Prevention Valve Testing | Geelong | Torquay | Ocean Grove | Barwon Heads | Clifton Springs | Drysdale | Tomlinson Plumbing

Do you own or manage a childcare centre, café/restaurant, school, hair salon, panel shop, aged care facility, petrol station, factory, car yard, funeral home or a dry cleaners?

These are just a few of the many types of businesses and industries that require backflow prevention devices to be installed at the premises to maintain the integrity of our water supply and comply with regulations.

Backflow prevention valves ensure that water from a property cannot be drawn back into the main supply, preventing potential pollutants at your facility from causing contamination to our drinking water.

Barwon Water requires annual testing of backflow prevention valves. They will send you an email as your test due date approaches with a link for the plumber to complete a report and lodge on your behalf ~ but if you don’t receive your email link, be sure to get in touch with Barwon Water to follow up and they’ll be able to email it straight away. It’s your responsibility to ensure testing is done on time.

Here's to backflow prevention valves and safe drinking water!

Give Tomlinson Plumbing a call on 5261 2422 ~ we’re appropriately licensed to help with your annual backflow testing process.

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